All I have done today so far is post a lot more vital information on facebook pertaining to the Occupy Wall Street movement/protests/revolution. It has begun to spread like wild fire. There are even other countries beginning to show support for the movement. It is truly amazing and an awesome time to be living in. Future generations will be talking about this for some time to come and it will be in all the history books (digital or other form)!

 Other than that, I have been writing/typing away and formulating some story ideas and new poem ideas. I very quickly decided to start writing another poetry e-book. It will be my forth and perhaps most interesting. So far it is titled Antiseptic Anarchism. The title came to me as I was reading Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. Somewhere in the intro he wrote something about how he believes the poet to be the antiseptic of the world. That really struck a chord with me and I got this image in my head of a very altruistic way of life. My poetry seems to be taking on a new form as of lately and I do hope that it continues down that path. :-)
Revolt like you mean it

Burn in effigy

If need be

Let them laugh

And accuse



Is not fate


Is a factor

Revolt because

You can

Because it

Flows through

Your veins

There is no pain


Than the pain

Of oppression

Rise up

And shout


Your clout

You do have Power

We do have Power

March! March on!

Revolt because we need it!

This poem is dedicated to the current Wall Street protests and the entire movement that is spreading across the country and around the globe. Occupy Wall Street! Occupy the World!

 LONG LIVE THE REVOLUTION! I've been following the live web feed of the current protests going on in NYC on wall street. The whole thing is very inspiring and uplifting! If you have no idea what I'm talking about then please visit this site  and see it for yourself. The corporate greed and corruption has gone unchecked for far too long in this country and it is high time that they are exposed for the money mongers that they are! There are also more protests beginning to take form in other cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, Austin, Dallas, Houston. I myself hope to be able to attend the protests in Austin on October 6th. The major news networks are not covering these protests in depth yet. Mostly due to the fact that they are all owned by many agencies that are funded by the major banks and/or corporations. Eventually they will catch on because this is something that affects EVERYONE! We the people are the majority 99% of this country and we WILL be heard!